Section contributed by sukreih. Thanks for the info!

Akagi was originally a manga created by Fukumoto Nobuyuki (福本 伸行), begun in 1993, which sold over 4 million copies in Japan. It is definitely one of Fukumoto’s popular ones. Fukumoto is really famous in Japan and Korea. If you say “Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji”, most people will go, “Oh! The one with that weird picture!”. The author himself is quite famous for his unique drawings (which he himself calls “terrible”) and intense dramatic presentations. Unfortunately, none of his works are licensed in North America, probably because they are very hard to translate. The Akagi manga itself is still continuing, and Akagi’s still in the mansion.

When Akagi was announced to be made as an animation, many were worried about whether or not the anime could express all of what Fukumoto’s comic had. Fortunately, it was just perfect, good, and true. As a fan, I was really overwhelmed on how well it was made. It’s made so well that even if you don’t know Mahjong, it will get you interested. Kudos to director Sato Yuzo.

Though the anime followed the manga quite closely, there were some parts of the manga that were left out. These images do contain spoilers, so continue at your own risk.

Manga Covers. Okay, so they’re not all that spoilery, but the covers are still worth looking at. At the very least they’ll make you appreciate the anime character designs more.

A post-Urabe arc moment. It doesn’t really add much, but you find out a little bit about how Akagi spends his money, plus you get to see the only woman in the series!

Everyday life. Akagi is not normal, but he still needs to eat and sleep. Three Urabe arc pics and three from the Washizu arc. Minor spoilers for both.

The beginning of the dice game (Cho-Han) in episode 14. The anime only showed the end of it. This is the rest.

Did you know that Akagi Shigeru first appeared in another of Fukumoto’s mangas? It’s called Ten, and follows the story of a guy named Ten. This Akagi is a bit older and, perhaps, a bit wiser.

The following link contains HUGE MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR TEN MANGA. Seriously, don’t read it if you just want to find out how Akagi survives his situation in the anime or manga. Don’t look if you ever plan to read Ten.

If you still want to know, GO HERE.

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